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3 Mar 2016
News and Press

More to Death

This article was published in the magazine of the Natural Death Centre, on alternatives gravestones and memorials which might sit better in natural burial grounds and woodlands than a traditional headstone or gravestone.

Below is an extract from the article:

"Choosing a natural burial can be the most wonderful option; the beauty of the landscape becomes the memorial and there is a reassuring feeling that the soul of the deceased is wholesomely integral to the environment. For many, however, when grieving, some sort of marker is needed as a focal point.......fortunately there are alternatives to the conventional headstones you see in cemeteries, here we hear from Fergus Wessel ......who specialises in hand-carved, alternative stone memorials. "

The article is scanned below. Please note that the stones appearing on page three in the left column were made by another stonemason, Dominic Ropner.

Natural death centre article r28 000000000000004
Natural headstones
Natural death centre article 2
Fergus W
Written by

Fergus Wessel

Designer and letter-carver

Fergus created Stoneletters Studio in 2003, after training at the Kindersley Workshop. He is a member of the prestigious Master Carver's Association.